Houses by the Sea i en ny upplaga för våren/sommaren 2017. Brickorna, samt kökshandduken och disktrasan är producerade i Sverige. Muggen är producerad av finaste benporslin av vår fabrik i Tyskland.Houses by the Sea in a new edition is one of my news for spring/summer 2017. The collection consists of trays in different sizes, a mug as well as a kitchen towel and a dish cloth. The trays are produced in Sweden from birch tree, and the mug from bone china in Germany.
Så här ser Emelie Ek Designs egen hylla ut på NK med Houses of Sweden-produkter! Fint eller hur?This what the Emelie Ek Design display with Houses of Sweden products looks like at NK! Nice is´nt?
Houses by the Sea! Jag älskar att vara i närheten av vatten; det må vara havet eller en insjö, det spelar mindre roll, men denna bild gör mig så glad! Som Halmstad-tjej, uppvuxen i södra Sverige, vid havet finns det såklart inget som slår havet! Houses by the Sea-kollektion består av kökshandduk samt wettex.Houses by the Sea! I love being close to water; it may be the sea or a lake, it doesnt matter, but this picture makes me happy! Growing up in the south by the west coast, nothing beats the sea off course! Houses by the Sea Collection consists of kitchen towels as well as wettex.
Houses by the Sea kitchen towel med motiv av fina svenska hus vid havet är tillverkad i Sverige av bomull/linne.
Houses by the Sea wettex med fina svenska huset vid havet. Tillverkad i Sverige av naturlig cellulosa.Houses by the Sea wettex with lovely Swedish houses by the sea. Made in Sweden from natural cellulose.
Houses by the Sea rund bricka 38 cm med typiskt svenska hus vid havet. Brickan är tillverkad i Sverige av björklaminat.Houses by the Sea round tray 38 cm with typical Swedish houses by the sea. The tray is made in Sweden from birch wood..